Impermium Has Web Security and Spam Issues of Their Own

Impermium promotes itself as “Protecting the Web from Security Threats“, that they are “run by leading anti-spam and cybersecurity experts“, and that they have “a cutting-edge comment spam filter“; but a quick look shows that they can’t even handle web security and spam on their own website.

Keeping software running on a website up to date is one of the basic website security measures that should be taken, so a company run by “cybersecurity experts” is going to be doing that right? Wrong:

Impermium is Running WordPress 3.4.2

Not only have they failed to update WordPress for over six months, but they failed to update when a security release was put out back in January. WordPress makes it very easy to update, so there isn’t any excuse for not doing it. They are not alone in this; a few weeks ago we mentioned that that the web security company StopTheHacker also was running the same outdated version of WordPress. What does it say that web security companies either don’t know the basics of website security or don’t care about it?

As for spam, here is the Impermium Knowledge Base:

 Impermium Knowledge Base

If you are an anti-spam company you shouldn’t miss spam entries like “Significant Bad Credit Loans for Debt Consolidation Loan” and “Know how different types of loans could benefit you” in your Knowledge Base.

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