Moodle Doesn’t Yet Actually Require MySQL 8.0

We were recently working on an upgrade of a Moodle website to version 4.3, which originally started as an upgrade to Moodle 4.2. We ran into an issue because those versions require that those using the MySQL database server to be using at least version 8.0. That is up from the previous requirement of at least version 5.7. The web host for the website hadn’t yet moved to that version, so we were at an apparent impasse.

Checking further into this, we found that, while the required MySQL version was raised in the Moodle 4.2. That version doesn’t appear to actually be required. The discussion on raising the required version can be found here. The change wasn’t made because of usage of new features of MySQL 8.0, but because support for MySQL 5.7 was going to be ending soon.

In line with that, there were no problems with the website after upgrading to Moodle 4.2 or 4.3 caused by the usage of the older version of MySQL.

Getting through Moodle’s pre-upgrade checks did require manually changing the required version of MySQL in the file /admin/environment.xml.

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